Contact Us

Contact FBEM

The Food Bank of Eastern Michigan serves as a common solicitor, storehouse and distributor of food on behalf of its Partner Agencies which are non-profit, charitable organizations serving those in need.


Mailing & Shipping Address
2300 Lapeer Road; Flint, MI 48503
Community & Parking Entrance
1939 Howard Avenue; Flint MI 48503
Main Warehouse & Partner Pick-Up
2312 Lapeer Road; Flint, MI 48603

Phone Numbers

General Info: (810) 239-4441
FAX: (810) 239-4498
Operations: (810) 237-9059
Warehouse: (810) 239-2396

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday  | 8am to 4:30pm
Saturday – Sunday | Closed

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    Make A Year-End Gift

    Your tax-deductible, end-of-year gift to FBEM will help ensure that local children, families, seniors, and veterans have access to nutritious food for healthy start to a new year.